Friday, March 20, 2009

Is This All Just A Bad Joke? Or A Nightmare?

I get up every day, and I swear I have to ask myself this.  Is this for real?  Is it a nightmare from which I can't awake?  Has everybody in DC gone crazy?  Do we need to order psych evals on these people?  If the constant news weren't so frightening, it would be funny.  Really funny.  But it's not. It's scary.  

Dave Ramsey cracked me up today, he said "every senate hearing looks like the Star Wars Bar".
He is right on the money - these people in power of our country have NO idea about living in the real world. They don't live among us!  They have been in DC so long that they are out of touch with reality.

We have Nancy Pelosi saying that enforcing illegal immigration laws is UNAMERICAN!  Oh my God.  
Then there is Senator Dodd pointing fingers at Secretary Geithner who points his finger back at Dodd.  "He did it!"  "No!  HE did it!"
Recently Maxine Waters threatening to socialize Oil and Gas companies.
We get to see Barak Obama on Leno talking about his bowling game while the country is floundering.
Now the guys and gals at AIG are being singled out for death threats.  For bonuses that were promised by Dodd or someone long before Obama was president.   Our constitution is being torn apart with congress voting to punish a singled-out person or entity. Not to mention that one cannot break a contract.
And few of us even know  that the Treasury printed out 1 Trillion of fiat dollars to buy our OWN debts.  My God isn't that like robbing Peter to pay Paul?
Obama goes on the internet to extend an olive branch to Iran.
Russia is hanging out with Chavez of Venezuela.
The UN, Russia and FRANCE are calling for a world currency to replace the dollar.
Pass me a glass of wine - this is going to be a bumpy bumpy ride ---------------------
all the way to SOCIALISM.
Just call me "comrade".